IJM Land Collaborates with Forest Ventures for Mangrove Conservation at Sebana Cove's Image

IJM Land Collaborates with Forest Ventures for Mangrove Conservation at Sebana Cove

Publish Date Published on 22 Jul 2024
Author Date By Soh Wai Fong
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Inspired by its surroundings, Sebana Cove is a reflection of the harmonious relationship between nature and man-made architecture. This river-side destination landscaped against the mangrove forests of Sungai Sebina in Johor creates an ideal haven for residents and visitors to enjoy both land and water amidst lush greenery. With our very own mangrove nestled within the vicinity of Sebana Cove, it is our commitment to protect this valuable natural asset and its biodiversity.

As we observe the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, we take this opportunity to highlight the mangroves unique to our nation and tropical countries. It is estimated that more than three quarters of mangroves worldwide are threatened and have been earmarked for protection by UNESCO. Not only are mangroves home to rich biodiversity, but also have higher carbon storage compared to inland forests.

Our collaboration with Forest Ventures, a nature-based solutions provider, brings an added dimension to our conservation efforts in the Southern region. Sustainability initiatives such as this echo how IJM Land prioritises the relationship between people and nature. In being led by the intention of coexisting with nature, we ensure our developments complement the land and its natural elements.

At IJM Land, we consistently keep a pulse on the ways we can achieve conservation goals and enrich local communities. This involves exploring future opportunities for ecotourism along Sungai Sebina that will work in tandem with the experiences that Sebana Cove Resort has to offer. It is with our approach of stewardship that we make our Distinctively IJM mark in the localities that we establish and thrive in.

Mangrove forests function as carbon sinks by storing higher amounts of carbon within the soil, branches, roots and other parts of mangrove trees.
Sebana Cove is located along the banks of Sungai Sebina, which is connected to the larger Sungai Santi that houses swathes of mangroves.
Sebana Cove amidst the mangroves and winding river, offering a sanctuary for residents and visitors alike.

Soh Wai Fong
Senior GM
Southern Region of IJM Land


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